Frequently asked questions
Do you take my Insurance?
We plan for your experience at West LA Hand Center to be an excellent one. To further that goal, we want you to be fully informed about our insurance and payment policies. Please also feel free to contact our office with any questions.
Dr. Freedman is a contracted Physician with the following Insurance Providers. There will be no out of pocket cost to you at the time of service.
Dr. Freedman is an OUT OF NETWORK provider with ALL OTHER INSURANCE PROVIDERS. We will collect payment at the time of service and submit the superbill to your insurance company as a courtesy. If you have any out of network benefits that allow for reimbursement, the insurance company will pay according to your coverage and plan for an out of network provider.
Why should I see a hand specialist?
The hand is a unique area of the human body that is made up of bone, joints, ligaments, tendons, muscles, nerves, skin, and blood vessels. These elements must all be in good working order for the hand to function well.
The relationship between all these structures is delicate and refined. An injury or disease can affect any or all of these structures and impair the use of the hand.
When should I see a hand specialist?
Many hand surgeons also have expertise with problems of the lower arm and elbow. Some hand surgeons only treat adults or children; Dr. Freedman treats both. Common problems treated include:
carpal tunnel syndrome
wrist pain
sports injuries of the hand and wrist
fractures of the hand, wrist, and forearm
trigger finger
animal bites
Please also see the Education section to learn about more common problems
Other problems treated by hand surgeons include nerve and tendon injuries. Not all problems treated by a hand surgeon need surgery. Hand surgeons often recommend non-surgical treatments, such as medication, splints, therapy, or injections.
What will the length and content of first appointment be?
The length and content of the first appointment will depend upon the complexity of your issue and the amount of questions you have. Typically, the appointment will be between 30 – 45 minutes. If you have any imaging, reports, or labs related to your injury, please bring them with you or have them faxed to our office at 310.828.9581 or emailed to info@westlahand.com. You and the Doctor will discuss the reason for your appointment, what may be causing the issue, and then devise a treatment plan. Some treatments can be administered the day of your first visit.